Salmon Fitness seek to mitigate the risk of modern slavery occurring within our supply chain and in doing so to conform to the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
As a customer facing organization, we recognize the importance of the part we play in helping to protect our communities and beyond from these abhorrent practices. Our aspirations in addressing modern slavery go beyond legal compliance considerations. In line with our corporate purpose and principles, it is simply the right thing to do.
Sustainable sourcing
Whilst many of Salmon Fitness suppliers are China based, we have been implementing the Ethical Trade Initiative base code which will be the minimum standard required to build professional relationships with Salmon Fitness.
Modern Slavery Policy
We have a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and we are committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships. We are also committed to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure modern slavery is not taking place in our own business or in any part of our supply chain.
The Disclosure (“Whistleblowing”) Policy
Salmon Fitness seeks to ensure that any employee may voice concerns about incidents of wrongdoing, or other suspected malpractice, without fear of criticism or future discrimination. At Salmon Fitness we are proud of our strong commitment to high ethical standards in the way that we work.
Ethics in our Business Policy
We understand the importance of operating with honesty and integrity in our business. We have captured this in a single ethics statement which applies to everyone who works for or on behalf of the business. We are providing a supportive environment for colleagues to voice any concerns.